Finally Available to the Public!

How to Microdose Magic Mushrooms for Mental Health
Here is what you'll discover:
  • A Super-Secret way to get magic mushrooms for microdosing safely shipped to your house (only a select few know about this yet...)
  • ​What is microdosing and what can it do for you?
  • How much is a microdose and how do you measure it?
  • ​Who is microdosing for and who is it not for?
  • ​A special microdosing schedule that works wonders for suffering from depression and PTSD...
  • ​When is the best time of the day to microdose?
  • ​How to microdose including specific dosing recommendations (and a very special "MICRODOSING RECIPE " to supercharge your results...)

Finally Available to the Public!

How to Microdose Magic Mushrooms for Mental Health
Here is what you'll discover:
  • A Super-Secret way to get magic mushrooms for microdosing safely shipped to your house (only a select few know about this yet...)
  • ​What is microdosing and what can it do for you?
  • How much is a microdose and how do you measure it?
  • ​Who is microdosing for and who is it not for?
  • ​A special microdosing schedule that works wonders for suffering from depression and PTSD...
  • ​When is the best time of the day to microdose?
  • ​How to microdose including specific dosing recommendations (and a very special "MICRODOSING RECIPE " to supercharge your results...)

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